Hi I'm Nikki

I want to teach you how to design a financial life you’re proud of

Money affects our entire lives, and we’re not taught how to properly manage it… I teach you how to pay down debt, learn how to invest, and achieve your definition of financial freedom.

Here’s a little background about me…

My name is Nikki and I am an investor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional.

I love finance, money, and teaching people how to become masters of their future. I’m a firm believer that knowledge is power, and that it empowers. I have found my most proud moments are when I help people understand complex financial topics, and then they master them.

I come from very humble beginnings and I was the first (and only) of my family to graduate college. I worked in corporate America thinking my way to riches would be climbing the corporate ladder, but I decided that route wasn’t for me.

I decided to dive head first into entrepreneurship. Fast forward and I have run multiple seven figure businesses over the past decade, and helped small business owners and freelancers learn how to turn business profits into real wealth.

What’s funny is that my favorite part of running a business was, oddly, sitting with the accountant.

I would pick their brains and master every strategy that I could learn about. I made sure that I clearly understood how taxes worked. I studied investing religiously and I became obsessed with how someone can maximize every dollar.

How did the rich do it? What was the secret to wealth and financial freedom? I have wanted to know this since I was very young.

In the mix of all of that, I also learned how to trade and invest in the stock market.

Today, the stock market continues to be a passion of mine, and I am an active trader and investor of my own portfolio and in charge of my own wealth.

I’m a mentor for a community of do-it-yourself investors and entrepreneurs.

I also run my own training program helping people learn how to master every part of their money life and learn how to get started investing.

I have found that my most proud moments are when I help people understand complex financial topics, and then they master them.

I’m here to help you!

A big problem with the financial world, is that it has been wildly inaccessible for the majority of people due to the high costs of professional help. They’re left scrubbing the internet to try to find the right information and they may not have the training to decipher the sometimes confusing rules.

To solve this problem, I have built an affordable training program. It gives people access to a financial planning training that is actually usable, essential resources, and direct email access so I can personally answer your questions.

Here’s a more intimate story about why the Wealth Master Training Program was created:

So, one weekend, I flew home to visit my best friends. We had a long drive home and I had become increasingly curious to ask my friends if they had heard of a few basic money maximizing principles.

Am I the worst friend for bringing up the boring topic of finance to my besties? Maybe, but I wanted to try it out.

I was only used to talking about money via work, not with my friends (historically, this has been very taboo).

One common money principle is keeping your savings in the right type of high-interest bearing account (at the time, the interest rate was above 2%).

I asked my savvy saving friend where she kept her savings (she’s always been great at saving money, so she was the perfect person to ask). She said it was in a savings account at her bank but it wasn’t earning any interest, really.

I told her she could be earning much higher interest, compounding over time in a different type of account. She said “I can earn how much!?” and she was thrilled. She had no idea that her substantial amount of savings could have been earning her income and growing with virtually no risk.

This gave me some confidence, so I tested out the same question with a few different people and to my surprise, they all had no idea how to maximize their savings. They were all quite happy with me, which started to spark some motivation to help more people close to me and not be afraid to open up the conversation about money.

I was just a nerd who wanted to talk about money with people.

Then, something else happened…
I considered myself an outlier, a woman in a man’s world of finance. At investing events, I was usually one of a handful of women. Sometimes I was actually the ONLY woman in the room.
I didn’t think too much about it until one of our female event attendees asked me, “Nikki, have you ever thought about wealth-building events for women”?

Well, no, I hadn’t really. I had the knowledge, and my small sample size of people that I questioned certainly showed there is a lack of financial knowledge among both women and men, but especially women.

Maybe she was onto something?

So I started hosting local meetups (with wine, of course) to gather ladies and get a conversation flowing about money and investing… and people actually came.

A big problem with the financial world is that it has been wildly inaccessible for the majority of people due to the high costs of professional help.

They’re left scrubbing the internet to try to find the right information and they may not have the training to decipher the sometimes confusing rules.

To solve this problem, I have built an affordable training program. It gives people access to a financial planning training that is actually usable, essential resources, and direct email access to me so I can help answer your questions.

My goal is to make money approachable.

If you’ve been wanting to better understand where your money moves will take you and learn how to build real wealth, you’ve made it to the right place! I teach you everything you should have learned in school. The best part? There is a return on your knowledge investment by placing money in the right places, earnings interest and dividends and growing your wealth for years to come.

Who doesn’t want to grow their money!?

Let’s talk finance and get you in charge of your own financial future.

You are why I do this.

I talk to far too many people who struggle with getting sound financial information. It can take months for someone who is self researching to actually get answers, or even know where to go.

I was talking to a friend who told me it took her 5 months to research and figure out how to get health insurance through the marketplace. I told her I could have taught her this in less than 30 minutes!

My mission is to help give people the education they need to avoid making costly financial mistakes.

I also spoke with a friend who was contributing to a Traditional IRA when it would have been way more tax advantageous to contribute to a Roth IRA instead.

Or how about the business owner who contributed to a retirement account, but didn’t know they actually have to invest the money (otherwise it just sits in cash not invested).

I have countless examples… and my mission is to help give people the education they need to avoid making costly financial mistakes.

I do this because I love teaching and helping people feel more financially secure. I also think we have a ton to learn from each other, which is why community is important to me.