What you'll learn: Want to build a portfolio that can stand the test of time, and help you reach your goals? I cover 3 tips to help you build a better investment portfolio no matter if you're investing passively in funds, or...
5 Money Mistakes That Set Me Back Years Financially! What you'll learn: Everyone makes money mistakes... the most successful people in the world have made mistakes. The real key is, what are you learning from them? I cover 5 money mistakes I personally made that set me back...
4 Stocks Chicks Love (Favorite Stocks In My Portfolio) What you'll learn: There are just some companies that are close to a woman's heart. Not only for shopping, but for INVESTING! Here are 4 stocks that chicks love to invest in (and I personally hold all of them in my portfolio)....
Are We In A Stock Pickers Market? (And My Best Investing Strategy) What you'll learn: What is stock picking and how do you know when the time is right to do it? I cover all of this and more! Links and Resources: Get access to my free video series and guide on how to crush your...
Why Dave Ramsey Is Dead Wrong About Building Credit (Reaction Video) What you'll learn: The internet is full of different people touting different opinions on personal finance. This advice that Dave Ramsey gives around building credit, was too important not to respond to. I breakdown in this...
Are ETF’s Safe Investments? (Money In A Hot Minute) What you'll learn: Today's question comes from Mopolo, they asked: "What i don´t get about ETF´s is how "safe" they seem to be. They have a net positive return over the last decades. I would like to know what needs to happen...
Responding To Bad TikTok Money Advice What you'll learn: Social media is full of people giving out money advice...following some of it may get you in trouble, and some of it is downright incorrect. I took some time to respond to some TikTok money advice, and set...
5 Things Millionaires Do (And You Should Too) What you'll learn: Ever wondered some of the habits of millionaires? In today's video, I uncover 5 main things that millionaires do, and you should too! Links and Resources: Get access to my free video series and...
Unpacking The Stock Market Selloff (And What To Do Next) What you'll learn: There is a lot going on in the stock market... with geopolitical tensions progressing, how will this affect us and our market? I unpack it all in this video. Links and Resources: Get access to my...
Are We Going Into A Recession? What you'll learn: Saying that there's a lot going on right now in the world is a gross understatement. I got the question "Are we going into a recession", from a fellow follower, so, I wanted to unpack this and look at both...